Jessica Wyers PhD

Jessica Wyers PhD

Jessica Wyers


Dr. Wyers applies her expertise in social science and passion for crafting messages to help clients identify unique solutions for each case to reduce uncertainty.

Clifton Strengths

Jessica Wyers

Tell us about your experience.

I have built a broad set of skills obtained from my background in marketing and public relations, as well as my time teaching for Teach for America. I’ve had the honors of working closely with young learners, elected officials, high-achieving professors, and 4-start generals. At every step of the way, I expanded on the power of messaging for the right audience helping to influence how I think about case strategy and those on the jury.

Tell us about your education background.

My doctoral studies were uniquely situated between communication, political science, and public policy. I focused on how people perceive information via media messages, presentations or other means. This work allowed me to focus on how people receive information and understanding the implications of that information for decision making.

What are you known for?

I think my family and friends would speak to my openness to new experiences and places to travel. I’ve developed quite an adventurous reputation in my inner circle. Friends have also noted my calmness under pressure. I’ve worked with some high-level, seemingly intimidating people–members of congress, 4-star generals, presidents of universities—those experiences, I think, helped me sharpen that skill.

What are you passionate about outside of work?

Outside of work, you’ll find me spending time with my nieces and nephew. My husband and I also love spending as much time as possible traveling to visit family and friends that happen to live in beautiful places all over the world, especially his home country of El Salvador.

What do you do at JurySync?

I apply my love of learning, passion for social science, and skills in message crafting and refining to support our clients’ unique cases and help them achieve positive outcomes.

How did you get in this line of work? What keeps you in it?

I am deeply fascinated by people. I’m curious about the small, unique differences in their individual backgrounds that impact how they perceive the world and information. This work provides me the opportunity to be intentional with that and figure out what’s best for the client’s positive outcome.

What do you like best about JurySync?

It is a huge honor to work on this collaborative team of incredibly talented individuals that genuinely care deeply about their work.

How do you contribute to the success of JurySync clients?

I bring together my love of learning, my unique perspective in social science and my strengths for individualization to help clients intentionally reduce uncertainty.

Where and how did you grow up?

I’m originally from the Houston area but my parents moved us to a small horse farm in a tiny town in East Texas. It was there my parents opened our home to exchange students from all over the world. In turn, their influence opened the world to me at an early age and it has been something that has influenced my perspective in a major way.

When do you think, “Man, I love what I do”?

I love doing and learning new things. Every case brings something new to focus my brain power in a new way.

Publications and Presentations

Wyers, J. (2021) “Media Curriculum and Public Schools: What is Being Done to Prepare America’s Youth to be Media Literate?” Presentation for the National Communication Association Conference. Seattle, Washington.

Wyers, J. & Oden, A. (2021) “Do You Know What They are Doing with Your Data?: Digital Literacy and Perceived Understanding of Institutional Surveillance.” Presentation for the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication. New Orleans, Louisiana.

Ramirez, F., Denault, V., Carpenter, S., & Wyers, J. (2021) “But Her Age was Not Given on Her Facebook Profile”: Minors, Social Media and Sexual Assault Trials. Information, Communication & Society.

Wyers, J. (2020) “Assessing Media Literacy Requirements for U.S. High School Curricula.” Presentation for the Youth and Media Conference, Questioning Public Policies in Media Education). Paris, France.

Wyers, J. (2020) “No Tech Left Behind: Is Public Education Creating Media Literacy Children?” Presentation for Internation Communication Association, Children and Media Division. Gold Coast, Australia.

Wyers, J., Boukouvidis, T., Kim, S. (2020) “#GDPR: Twitter Conversation About a Uniform Legislative Framework on Data Protection and Online Privacy.” Presentation for the International Communication Assocation. Gold Coast, Australia.

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